divorce process and divorce lawyer in dhaka

divorce process and divorce lawyer in dhaka bangladesh

Divorce Details Explained by Mohammad Ali Hasan, Divorce Lawyer in Dhaka, Judge Court, Bd. He said that “Separation usually breaks the responsibilities of matrimony between a married couple According to Country law.”

A husband or wife no longer agree to live together. Their marital relationship ends. They decide to sign legal papers for the divorce that also ends all marital responsibilities.

Muslim divorce process in Bangladesh

There are various types of divorce according to Islamic shoriya. but according to Bangladesh Muslim divorce law, under family law ordinance, 1961 divorce only two types.

01. mutual divorce
02. divorce by notice or one side divorce.

mutual divorce process in Bangladesh

A husband and wife no longer have their marital life, they voluntarily agree to sign and put up a thumb on legal papers that are cold mutual divorce. Husband and wife go to a divorce lawyer and say they want to divorce.

The divorce attorney ready to legal papers with divorce register book and take there sign on that papers. this process is not long, that’s why this process/divorce will be done within one hour. husband and wife both consent to their divorce, that’s why no need to send divorce notices to one another.

One side divorce process in Bangladesh

A. Divorce by wife
B. Divorce by husband

Divorce by wife in Bangladesh

If a wife no longer marital life with her husband, she can choose the “divorce by wife” option. The wife can divorce her husband according to Bangladesh Muslim law 1961 under 7 (1). Though her husband won’t agree to divorce, she can make a divorce notice against her husband.

Divorce by husband in Bangladesh

Husband can also divorce his wife, he can choose the “divorce by husband,, option. The husband can divorce his wife according to Bangladesh Muslim law. Though his wife won’t agree to divorce, he can make a divorce notice against his wife.

When a person gives on side divorce he or she flows the step

Make notice and send
Arbitration’s initiative by city corporations or chairman

Accept divorce certificate after 90 days

Make a notice:
who wants to divorce, go to a divorce lawyer and say he or she want to divorce. the attorney make legal paper against second party and take sign and put his/her thumb on the notice and divorce registry book. Also include two witnesses’ signs on the notice and the marriage registry book, which is mandatory.

Send notice:
Notice has been processed. The notice sent to the address of second party also send a copy address of city corporations or chairman, where he/she live.

Notice must be sent through Govt. post office with the registry in the post office volume book. The post office gives a registered receipt paper which is most important in future processes and clearness.

All process should be under a divorce lawyer. You can get help Divorce lawyer in Dhaka judge court

Arbitration’s invitation by city corporations or chairman

  • The city corporations or chairman shall form an arbitration invitation within 90 days from the notice receiving date.
  • City corporations or chairman try to resolve the dispute between two parties.
  • If it is not possible to mutual or no party appears, the City corporations or chairman give in order sheet thereof.
  • Divorce will be effective automatically after 90 days.

Accept divorce certificate
After 90 days the divorce register will give a divorce certificate. This is the final step of divorce. 

divorce certificate divorce lawyer in dhaka
divorce certificate divorce lawyer in dhaka

Note: If divorce lawyer in Bangladesh finds out that the wife is pregnant, he can stop the process until the pregnancy or 90 days over whichever is later.

Dower Money and maintenance
Husband paid the wife unpaid dower money when he divorce her wife.
The husband also paid the maintenance of his wife for the iddat period according to Bangladesh family law.

How to need a divorce lawyer

If you want to get a divorce from someone you need a family lawyer. Who will help with the legal process and assist you.

Family and divorce law is a very sensitive issue. A family’s emotions and happiness depend on it. A family lawyer has deep knowledge and experience in this sector. So Divorce lawyer can give a proper solution according to Bangladesh family law. Divorce is a sensitive and difficult issue, but an experienced divorce attorney will fight some of the burdens and assist you to win your goal.

How to understand the best divorce lawyer in Dhaka or your area. 

It’s difficult to find out who is the best attorney in Dhaka or your area. Lots of things consider this part. Firstly you don’t choose your known attorney who now practices criminal law or others. Because different areas have different rules and regulations. A divorce lawyer has deep knowledge of divorce law but a criminal lawyer may not know about this. A family lawyer must be in debt. knowledge and experience Dower, adoption, child custody, maintenance, and all others which is related to divorce and family law

After all, when you are confident in your lawyer’s abilities, respond well to the communication system then you hire that one.

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